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Dyeing Yarns

KNITWEAR FACTORY > Services > Dyeing Yarns

About dyeing yarns

They are raw white or gray after being spinned into yarns.  Before making knitwear,it needs to dye into colourful yarns.

Why we should dye yarns?

Dyeing is  done in special solutions containing dyes and particular chemical material by absorption, diffusion, or bonding. Dyeing affects the environment,and often brings damage to the human’s surroundings.So dyeing industry is strictly administrated and controlled by local government.

  • We help to find dyeing factories in line with environmental protection policies.
  • We help to track the correctness and timeliness of dyeing.
  • We design best working path for dyeing and knitting.

How it works?

We have efficient ability to dye yarns with all kinds of colours according to our clients’ colour samples.



According to the basic ingredient and the functions of knitwear,we select the best matching gray yarns for dyeing.


Use Best Colourant

Using high-quality colourants ensures that the dyeing process produces consistent and vibrant colors. By using the best colourant, manufacturers can achieve a consistent color palette, enhancing the appeal and value of their yarns.


Choosing the Right Dyestuff

When it comes to dyeing yarns, there are various types of dyestuffs available in the market. Natural dyes, acid dyes, and fiber-reactive dyes are some of the popular options. It is important to choose a dyestuff that is suitable for the type of yarn you are working with.